
Developing students is our mission, so what better way is there to achieve this than to try to improve education?

Through the Educational Involvement Department, BEST strives to listen to the students' ideas on what can be changed in their universities, study programmes or curricula. BEST is eager to be in close collaboration with the stakeholders of higher education, letting them know about innovative solutions, coming from the main receivers of education - students.

To gather the students' opinions, BEST organises BEST Symposia on Education (BSEs), conducts surveys, and interacts with local students by means of the LBGs. The outcomes of the discussions are gathered afterwards and later presented at international conferences on education, in the form of scientific papers.

In parallel, Local BEST Groups organise Local Events on Education (LEoEs) where students have the opportunity to discuss topics concerning their own university, educational system or other local topics.

We strive to stay up-to-date in this field, attending several international conferences per year, getting to know the state-of-the-art topics, and taking the opportunity to network with relevant higher educational institutions and individuals.

For further detailed information, don't hesitate to contact us via [email protected].