I've got the power. The Energy Power!

General description

Do you feel the lack of energy in your life? Have you ever dreamt about becoming The Almighty?

You have an amazing opportunity to attend our summer course and meet your own Morgan Freeman! You will learn everything about the history of the energetics from its cradle to its nowadays progress, find out all kinds of energy and discover everything about renewable sources of energy.

Zaporizhzhya is waiting for you! We have magnificent nature for you to get to know better. Be ready to meet the natural pearl of our city – an island with a great history about Cossacks – Khortytsia.

Let's spend the BEST summer of your life together! Come and take part in the BEST parties, taste the stunning Ukrainian cuisine and create new relationships. It will be the memory to cherish for the rest of your life.


Academic information

Fields of activity:
Electrical/Electromechanical Engineering , Environmental Engineering , Industrial Engineering , Power Engineering
Content and topics:
1.History of energy.General concepts. 2.Classification of energy sources 3.Hydropower. General information. Principles of work turbines. 4.Thermal power station and principles of work. 5.Nuclear power plant. Types of nuclear reactor. 6.Environmental problems of energetics. 7. Alternative energy sources.
Learning goals and objectives:
The main objective of our course is to study basics of Power Engineering. So at the end of it students will have a better understanding of this basis and the interactions of energetics with human activities. During 5 days of lectures, the participants will gain knowledge about fuctioning of alternative energy sources, ecological problems caused by energetics and how to combat them, and how we could avoid these problems.
Examination type:
Case study.
ECTS credits issued:
Not known yet

Information for applicants

Selection criteria:
Motivation letter, answers to the questions and interest in the event topic. Aiming for 50%-50% male-female distribution and trying to have a variety of nationalities.

Practical arrangements

All of the following are covered by the event fee:

University dormitories.
Three meals per day, at least one hot. Coffee breaks between lectures.
On foot, public transport (buses and trams and so on)