Pulp 3Diction

General description

Have you ever asked yourself: “How does Marsellus Wallace look like?”. Or maybe you want to know how to design a crankshaft? Have you wondered where to hide a watch if you are captured by Viet Cong? Or maybe you imagined printing your dreams in 3D? All of those questions will be answered during this amazing course in Krakow, in the very heart of Europe.

During this course we will focus on practical experience in 3D modelling. You will be given a chance to develope your own ideas and transform them into real projects! Moreover, thanks to marvellous invention of 3D printing you will be able to go even further and turn those projects into real physical objects! We are a team of energetic, positive people constantly coming up with new ideas and we want to share this enthusiasm with you!

Don’t let your dreams be dreams! Our teachers will provide you with lots of passion and skills that will be the tools for making them a reality. We believe that this knowledge will be necessary in your future career. During your stay in Poland you and your 21 joyful mates from all over the world will see Krakow - the most iconic polish city. Would you like to walk across renaissance streets? Maybe you would like to taste our delicious food and test our famous hospitality? No problem! Of course, when you work hard you need to play even harder. That's why our team will prepare great social activities and parties! Be prepared for crazy days and sleepless nights!

As awesome as it gets, your whole journey will be in the theme of Pulp Fiction, so be ready to become Tarantino maniac like us! I dare You, I double dare You to apply for Pulp 3Diction and see the world in entirely new dimension!

Academic information

Fields of activity:
Computer Science/Automatic Control/Informatics , Biomedical Engineering , Automotive Engineering , Electronic/Electrotechnical Engineering , Mechatronics , Multimedia and Communication Design , Industrial Engineering , Architectural Engineering , Aerospace/Aeronautical Engineering , Materials Engineering , Telecommunications/Electronics , Petroleum Engineering , Chemical Engineering , Computational Sciences , Architecture , Mechanical Engineering , Transport Engineering , Biological/Biotechnical/Gene Engineering , Computer Engineering , Production Engineering/Management , Chemistry/Chemical Technology , Power Engineering , Electrical/Electromechanical Engineering , Machine & Instrument engineering/Design , Control Engineering/Systems engineering , Applied Sciences
Content and topics:
Lectures about basic concepts of additive manufacturing technologies - 3D printing. Preparation and actual process of 3D printing used in related company. Classes with practical work on designing 3D models using chosen software. Workshop on soft-skills and group work, needed for creating a profitable future product.
Learning goals and objectives:
You will learn the basics of 3D printing and related technologies. You will also have the opportunity to get hands on experience of 3D modelling and see how it all works during company visits.
Examination type:
Case study or presentation of group work.
ECTS credits issued:
Not known yet

Information for applicants

Selection criteria:
Motivation letter and answers to the questions. We are looking for creative, open-minded people that are willing to have fun and learn something new!

Practical arrangements

All of the following are covered by the event fee:

Student dormitories or hostel.
Three meals per day, at least one hot meal. Coffee breaks between lectures/classes.
Public transport, walking, rented buses.