The One With Sustainability: A Brighter Future

General description

Have you ever wondered why the term “sustainability” is such an important aspect in most of the industries? We are coming for you to answer this question!

Sustainability improves the quality of our lives, protects our ecosystem and preserves natural resources for future generations. In the corporate world, sustainability is associated with an organization’s holistic approach, taking into account everything, from manufacturing to logistics to customer service. We can easily understand that sustainability has a big role in every step.

Our goal, as Istanbul Yildiz, is to light the way for a brighter future to the next generations.

We hope that every participant who comes from different fields of studies will also share the same goal with us and improve themselves on this topic.

What is the BEST way to learn about sustainability? To learn it on a BEST Course of course! This course will also bring you unforgettable friendships, amazing memories and the chance to spend time in beautiful Istanbul!

On this journey, we would love you to be a part of the light that brightens our path.

So what are you waiting for? Press that button and apply!

Academic information

Fields of activity:
Applied Sciences , Chemical Engineering , Chemistry/Chemical Technology , Environmental Engineering , Food Engineering , Industrial Engineering , Industrial Management , Materials Engineering , Mathematics , Mining/Mineral Resources Engineering , Petroleum Engineering , Physics/Physics Engineering , Power Engineering , Production Engineering/Management , Transport Engineering
Content and topics:
Sustainability goals and objectives, the latest situation at the point of climate change, sustainability practices, carbon footprint calculation.
Learning goals and objectives:
Raising awareness in general about sustainability and giving information about sector practices.
Examination type:
Written exam or Project work.
ECTS credits issued:
Not known yet

Information for applicants

Selection criteria:
Motivational letter, interest in topic and answers to the custom questions.

Practical arrangements

All of the following are covered by the event fee:

Breakfast, lunch and dinner are included (at least one hot and cooked meal per day).
Public transportation and by foot. Public transportation will be provided at no extra cost.