The sixth Board of BEST was elected at the GA in Torino in spring 1994: its composition is the following:

President: Filippo Catalano - Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Vice-President: Claus A. Andersen - DTU, Copenhagen, Denmark
Treasurer: Matthieu Joppin - INPG, Grenoble, France
Secretary: Katrin Madison - KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
GA-Organiser: Cristi Bogdan - T. U. of Timișoara, Romania

We started our work right at the GA in Torino, having the first overlapping meeting with the former Board, that gave us suggestions on how to structure the work, how to use communication tools, how to share responsibilities...

The hugest part of the work at the beginning was to understand the content of the heavy binders we have got as a present...We spent the first two or three weeks of our Board mandate to dive deeply into the documents sea and to know where to find what.

The beginning was not so easy because the first problem we had to face was the big delay of the optimised lists from the common centre for the summer programme: thousands of emails messages asking about that, symptoms of riots from others LBGs,... The problem was serious, and we tried to prevent such a mess for the next year.