As well as BEST Interntational, LBG Ljubljana is celebrating it's 20th birthday. Yes! We are proud to be present in this great fairy tale of BEST since it's beginning. There are many many stories that are left behind, written in peoples minds and hearts. We will do our BEST to make them alive again!


BEST Ljubljana exists from the year 1989, but till the year 1994 the history is a big mystery :D We know that at one time our group stopped working. Lucky for us, they left a lot of papers in the office. One day, after couple of years, somebody found these documents and got really interested. So he decided to go to General Assembly and try to bring the group back to life again. And he succeeded!

Famous Janez Ljubljanski

What is my story?

"About 13 centuries BC Jason, the leader of the Argonouts, and fifty greek heroes stole the Golden Fleece from the king of Colchis. He immediately sent the fastest and the bravest man after Jason and his company. They run away with their ship called Argo across the Black sea, when by accident turned towards the mouth ot the Danube river. Of course the pursuers were right behind them, so turning back wasn't an option. They continued to sail up the Danube, turned to river Sava and finally to Ljubljanica.

There they found a big lake and beside it Ljubljansko Barje. At that time I called it home and I wasn't really fond of their arrival. I attacked at once and Jason turned out to be a hard opponent and Jungle Speed Totem ended up in his hands too many times. After my defeat, I started thinking, that maybe the world is bigger than just Ljubljansko Barje. How can I meet new people and learn something new? So ...

I waited ...

... and waited ...

... until finally a BESTie turned up. I knew right away he was the one :) In year 2006 I decided to join BEST Ljubljana and since then my life is much better. I am happy."

Events we will not forget

We will not forget the 11th Presidents' Meeting where we started to dance Tunak Tunak :)

... General Assembly of BEST 2001 ...

... and our beloved "BEST days of technology and natural sciences".

What's happening now?

From all of 65 members, we have 23 new and let's say 30 active members and we are all just soooo cool :) After a successful year we are planning even more successful one :D After a lot of trainings, we plan to organise a Regional meeting in March, "BEST days of technology and natural sciences 2009" and LEC in April, we will publish the second addition of our "BEST company cataogue 2009", Motivation weekend, Summer course, cultural exchange, ... Oh it's going to be an amazing year! :))