
BEST Eindhoven is one of the founding members of the BEST organisation. Nowadays it's mostly known for its various traditions which the members proudly carry out everywhere in Europe. Who hasn't heard of their famous red&blue stickers?

During the first few years BEST Eindhoven organised various courses and even 2 workshops on growth&continuity and strategy&minerva(the current BCC). Important issues that are still playing a big role inside BEST nowadays.

In 1998 though, one of the most important changes in the image of BEST Eindhoven occurred. A generation shift had taken place and with that also the image of the LBG would change for the BEST. The red&blue stickers, sweaters and various other merchandise was born!

But it didn't stop with only colours, also various other traditions came to live in that era. Some of you might remember the famous "fritsing", the numerous cans of Hollandia or Keizerskroon that BEST Eindhoven members are always carrying, the wabo, which is a warm beer with whipped cream and ofcourse Nijntje, the famous mascotte of BEST Eindhoven!

Nijntje, a famous childrens book character that started in the 1950s was a present to the LBG from the partycipants of the Summer Course in 2001. Since then she's travelling and exploring Europe and the same time conquering the hearts of everyone she encounters.

Besides having a very distinctive image and identity with various traditions, Eindhoven is also very innovative, flexible and always puts fun into everything they do! Probably the 3 most remarkable events of recent yearsthat fit this description the most are: The very first BEST European Engineering Competition in 2003 (together with BEST Ghent), the Board In Eindhoven Rallies, that happen every weekend, but until know only the BEST Barcelona board of 2006-2007 survived a whole weekend, and ofcourse BEST Eindhoven was responsible for the culture programme(aka parties) at the Presidents Meeting in Ghent in 2006!

As you can see BEST Eindhoven has been very active and very important these last 20 years and hopes to continue this for at least 20 years more \o/

To illustrate the uniqueness of BEST Eindhoven, here are some short comments of various people that experienced true BEST Eindhoven spirit throughout the years:

"As one of the founders of the BEST network, LBG Eindhoven has been active since 1989 and has been playing a leading role inside the network by always trying to explore new avenues and taking on new initiatives." -- LBG Ghent

"BEST Eindhoven has been promoting the common sense spirit in BEST since its creation. A few example come to our minds when evocating its dear history:

- the Reb&Blue colours, choosen for their magical appeal and irresistible attraction after a long and objective process. Red to represent the heat of our BEST hearts, and its opposite, blue, which symbolises the coldness, of our beers for example, following the balanced and wise principles of the ying and the yang. A harmonious and natural match!

- Hollandia. It is the obvious drink that all sain European students should favour. The perfect taste, for the perfect price, with a perfect name. What else?

- Nijntje (Miffy). Translated into most European languages, always here to party, always up to study, always keen on working in teams, travelling throughout Europe, she is the BEST (and first) mascotte of our organisation, she symbolises the BEST spririt and the Eindhoven" -- Xavier Rondé-Oustau, Vice President of Local Groupie Support 2006-2007

"I remember LBG Eindhoven as the organisers of the best/biggest LLM ever. They even made sleeping/freezing in tents fun. Who needs sleep anyway.. now at least i know where the party people of the lowlands are hidden!" -- Emilie from LBG Brussels

"BEST Eindhoven is the best BEST in the whoooole Universe!!" -- Olga Kleitsa, Summer Course Partycipant 2006

"What I remember about LBG Eindhoven is that they bring Fun (from capital F). They are different, and what is great - that this difference was both in style, and great quality. "An adventure" is aligned personally for me - as relates to sleeping in Utrecht police station in cold winter night while traveling there, or crashing till uncousiousness while fast-riding their unmaintained bike on the way to return to the bar. I love LBG Eindhoven's attitude as much as I love them, but hate their persistence in stupid things (colours, bunnies) as much as I hate being soaking wet in cold weather. I hope Eindhoven LBG spiritus gets encoded in DNA of each member to come!" -- Vilius Benetis, the very last Vice President for Information Technology of BEST International (2004-2005)

"My time spent in BEST Eindhoven gave me the knowledge and skills that I use daily for my work here in Southern Africa for the Red Cross. BEST Eindhoven is truely an amazing experience!" -- Jooteemi van Paulatuk, BEST Eindhoven alumnus

"Thinking to Eindhoven, I see the Reb&Blue spirit. Of course through the years it has evolved a bit, but we can still easily recognise it: Hollandia has changed to an even cheaper brand, Fritsing is not in the agenda anymore, but Nijntje is travelling and the parties are great. I really like the quality of their events and the balance they try to keep in everything you do. The motto "work hard, party harder" fits them very well." -- Jeanne Boute, Regional Advisor for the Lowlands Region 2008-2009

"LBG Eindhoven, a special BEST group, known for their crazy traditions: Hollandia, WABO (with or without), fritsen and their red and blue sweaters! You can recognize them from meters away! Great people, great spirit!" -- Tim Govaert, Vice President of Local Groupie Support 2008-2009

"The red and blue of our organisation, symbolising the great initiatives and hard work this group has brought to BEST! Always with a crazy flavour and known for their high quality, all the events of LBG Eindhoven will remain in the memories of all of us :) Thank you for existing!" -- Tassos Natsakis, Vivaldi Responsible 2008-2009

Some videos that illustrate BEST Eindhoven at its BEST

The very first BEST European Engineering Competition:

BIER Promotional video:

BEST Eindhoven promoting the red&blue colours:

BEST Eindhoven, wondering where Nijntje is this time:

Wabo makes you even more attractive (in dutch):