Empowering the 21st century - Energy systems of the future

General description

Given the increasing thirst for energy in the world, the scarce oil and coal resources, and the resulting rise in energy prices, the need for other sources of energy is becoming ever more pressing. The European countries, who want to reduce their dependency on the energy exporting countries, will most likely have to find these solutions themselves. This course will present and review some of the more promising solutions to the problem.

The course will include a visit to a company working with energy technology.

Academic information

Content and topics:
- Energy distribution - The hydrogen society - Sustainable energy - Energy resources
Learning goals and objectives:
To gain knowledge within the field of energy solutions of the future.
Examination type:
Oral examination in groups.

Information for applicants

Selection criteria:

Practical arrangements

All of the following are covered by the event fee:

Cold breakfast Cold lunch Varm diner
Bus and car