Bored of your local Dish Network ? Launch your own satellite !
General description
From your television to your car, from the North Pole to the middle of the Sahara, whether it is handling telecommunications or scrutinizing the farthest boundaries of our galaxy, satellites are now part of our everyday life.
But what are these wonderful instruments anyway? What are they made of? How do they position themselves with such precision? How can they resist their environment? These are only some of the many questions that will be answered if you follow this course.
During the event,you'll also have the chance to discover Belgium, Liege and other beautiful cities like Bruges and Brussels, capital of Europe! Of course, you'll taste our various, numerous beers, cheeses and ... chocolates! Without forgetting the friendly Belgian spirit and our crazy parties!
Academic information
- Fields of activity:
- Aerospace/Aeronautical Engineering , Computer Engineering , Computer Science/Automatic Control/Informatics , Control Engineering/Systems engineering , Materials Engineering , Power Engineering , Telecommunications/Electronics , Transport Engineering
- Content and topics:
- This course gives an overall description of spacecraft design. It starts with basic mission considerations such as satellite orbits and mission analysis. The (harsh) space environment is also discussed, and its strong influence on the design of a satellite is highlighted. Various subsystems are then presented including electrical power, attitude control, thermal control, on-board data handling and telecommunications; both the theoretical background and the current engineering practice are described. The course also analyzes the engineering trades necessary to integrate subsystems successfully into a satellite. Instructors from both academia and industry (Thales Alenia Space, Centre Spatial de Liège and Spacebel) participate in this course.
- Learning goals and objectives:
- We want the student to become more aware of the different aspects of Satellite Engineering. At the end of this course, the participants should be able to describe the different steps leading to the launch of such an instrument as well as how to communicate efficiently with it.
- Examination type:
- There will be one open question per topic covered.
- ECTS credits issued:
- Not known yet
Information for applicants
- Selection criteria:
- The selection will be based on the participant's motivation letter and on the equilibrium in the participants' origin.
Practical arrangements
All of the following are covered by the event fee:
- Lodging:
- University Residence on the campus, with single room for everyone.
- Meals:
- University Canteen. The organisers will also show their cooking talents!
- Transportation:
- No SpaceShuttle here guys ... Sorry. Bus and train for the visits and activities.