Engineering in Wine

General description

Nowadays we drink it almost at every meals, but do we realize the work that has to be done to produce it the best way possible? Today to create a good wine you need to focus in three major areas: the chemistry of the wine, the bottling and the corking.

The idea of this course is to give basic knowledge on those three topics, since the day when you catch the grapes, throughout the crushing until the time that it's ready to go to the barrels. Afterwards all the time needed so the wine is ready to be bottled and to be corked. After all the knowledge is known, it's time to go to the practical part of the course: the time to taste it. In the end, the student will have the necessary knowledge to distinguish a good wine from a bad one, and who knows start their own private production.

Information for applicants

Selection criteria:

Practical arrangements

All of the following are covered by the event fee:
