Connect with the Future:Communication by Oscillation

General description

Have you ever been to a wireless city? Want to find out what happens when you type a sms and press send? Why you have cell phone signals almost everywhere?

Would you like to visit our amazing country, with breathtaking mountains and deep fjords? Now you have the opportunity to apply for 10 days with Norwegian culture, unforgettable nature, an awesome excursion and epic parties.

Find your inner Viking, set sail and prepare for the BEST days of your life!

Academic information

Fields of activity:
Aerospace/Aeronautical Engineering , Computer Engineering , Computer Science/Automatic Control/Informatics , Electronic/Electrotechnical Engineering , Telecommunications/Electronics
Content and topics:
The course teaches the fundamental principles of mobile communications. It first gives an overview of mobile communication systems. Then it addresses cellular system architecture, wave propagation on the mobile radio channel and its statistical modeling, as well as countermeasures to signal fading.
Learning goals and objectives:
The students shall understand the challenges mobility poses to a communication system. They shall learn how to model a complex communication medium and to cope with the adverse effects of mobility such as shadowing, handover, and fading. After the course they shall be able to classify different environments for mobile communications and compare them with respect to their suitability for mobile communications. The main goal is to provide understanding of a cellular system, in general. Due to the examples treated in the course and the homework, they students will also learn about practical implementations.
Examination type:
Daily group work that will be evaluated by the other groups and oral presentation.
ECTS credits issued:
Not known yet

Information for applicants

Selection criteria:
Motivation letter and preknowledge about the topic

Practical arrangements

All of the following are covered by the event fee:

Cabin with separated 4-men bedrooms, bunk beds. Sauna. Bring sleeping bag!
3 meals a day, at least one cooked
Bus, tram and cars. This will of course be free for the participants