Application statistics for Summer Season 2020

Here you can see the number of applications for different events this season. We would like to advise you to not leave applying until the last moment.

Events by number of applications

  1. Reykjavik : SustainDustry: The Big Green Theory - 62 applications
  2. Lisbon : Greenpreneurship: Board the Green Caravel - 60 applications
  3. Copenhagen : Ransomwhere are the Cybersecurity Experts???- An Intro to Cybersecurity - 52 applications
  4. Aalborg : Don't be a fossil fool, join our sustainability school - 50 applications
  5. Ljubljana : The Rise of Electric Vehicles - IoT based charging systems - 44 applications
  6. Porto : Finding Atlantis: The way to sustainability - 43 applications
  7. Brussels : AI game, AI saw, AI conquered - 42 applications
  8. Zurich : Entrepreneurial journey towards a low-carbon economy - 39 applications
  9. Uppsala : Synthesize your planet now - come on! - 39 applications
  10. Frankfurt : Break Bones not Hearts - 36 applications
  11. Patras : Extraordinary Nanomaterials for a new Megaworld - 31 applications
  12. Vienna : Santa´s Industry 4.0 - 28 applications
  13. Almada : Sustainability, Inc - 28 applications
  14. Brasov : How to train your machine! - 28 applications
  15. Istanbul Bogazici : Leadership Academy - 27 applications
  16. Messina : Is your city as smart as Arancino? - 26 applications
  17. Lviv : The Secrets of Marketing - 26 applications
  18. AGH Kraków : Startups will be there for you! - 26 applications
  19. Istanbul : DigitalMarketing101: Slide into the DM's - 25 applications
  20. Aachen : Sustainable Buildings - It's the Circle of Life - 24 applications
  21. Vinnytsia : The Rise of Data Science - 21 applications
  22. Leuven : Energy Transition - Don't be Fuelish! - 21 applications
  23. Podgorica : Think Green - Build Smart - 19 applications
  24. Ghent : Sustainabuildity: A Concrete Course - 18 applications
  25. Bratislava : Man and the Machine: A Digital Adventure - 18 applications
  26. Riga : 5G wars: Revenge of the poor signal strength - 16 applications
  27. Bucharest : outSMARTing the urban life - 15 applications
  28. Timisoara : Hemodynamics: How complex can one's blood flow be? - 14 applications
  29. Liège : CO2: Gotta catch it all! - 14 applications
  30. Skopje : Launch that funky Product right, boy! - 13 applications
  31. Nis : SeCure your data! - 11 applications
  32. Coimbra : Coimbra International Engineering Forum - 9 applications
  33. Madrid Carlos III : The Lord of the Motors: the Return of Direct Current - A practical introduction to DC motors - 9 applications
  34. Gliwice : Is this the VR life? - Create your virtual game - 8 applications
  35. Tallinn : Digital Literacy, do you speak it? - 7 applications
  36. Isparta : Keep it CLEAN, Keep it GREEN! - 7 applications
  37. Iasi : Come over, my house is Architecturally Sustainable - 5 applications
  38. Budapest : Digital Literacy and the Gap of the Genders - 5 applications
  39. Chisinau : A complete guide to chatbots - 5 applications
  40. Wroclaw : A, B, C, Digital Literacy! - 5 applications
  41. Louvain-la-Neuve : LLN killed the radio star : Stay tuned ! - 4 applications
  42. Cluj-Napoca : The infinite possibilities of collaboration within digital literacy - 4 applications
  43. Lodz : The End Of The Factory World - 3 applications