Application statistics for Summer Season 2011

Here you can see the number of applications for different events this season. We would like to advise you to not leave applying until the last moment.

Events by number of applications

  1. Lisbon : Be Wise - Enterprise! - 438 applications
  2. Messina : Energy from Solar Systems: the Sun even by Night! - 409 applications
  3. Madrid : Watch in 3D! Enjoy like 3! - 387 applications
  4. Copenhagen : LEt's GO! Don't MIND the STORMS - 337 applications
  5. Athens : Black gold: Drill for it... It ain't no trick to get rich quick! - 331 applications
  6. Vienna : Save the moment. Shoot it BEST. - 326 applications
  7. Madrid Carlos III : WOA !! World of Aircraft ! Systems integration needed. - 315 applications
  8. Patras : Re-create engineering: Think out of the box! - 309 applications
  9. Faro Algarve : Energised by the Sea... The Tidal Power - 304 applications
  10. Porto : Music and Technology: Loud and Clear! - 289 applications
  11. Gothenburg : The Bullwhip effect: Is your "batch" large enough? - 244 applications
  12. Tampere : The BEST of Technology Foresight - 225 applications
  13. Budapest : We WHEEL rock you! - 223 applications
  14. Rome Tor Vergata : Green for speed : save the environment, drive hybrid vehicles! - 218 applications
  15. Aveiro : FOODology: When biotechnology gets Delicious! - 208 applications
  16. Brussels : From Wireless Sensor Networks to "The Internet of Things" - 207 applications
  17. Ghent : Ecopolis - A smart, low carbon city - 189 applications
  18. Aalborg : Space <- it's like HUGE, so get your satellite up there! - 188 applications
  19. Maribor : Photo here, photo there, photo everywhere! - 186 applications
  20. Almada : The Man on the Moon, An Odyssey in Space Engineering - 182 applications
  21. Istanbul Yildiz : Sense Istanbul:Photograph it,Expound it!!! - 181 applications
  22. Coimbra : Can you feel the heat? - Fire patterns and behaviours - 179 applications
  23. Chania : Advanced Optical Imaging Methods and Technologies for non-Destructive and non-Invasive Diagnosis. - 172 applications
  24. Brno : Manage Your Future: Career Design - 166 applications
  25. Skopje : LEADERS- Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some will be made in Skopje! - 163 applications
  26. Louvain-la-Neuve : Bionic man : not so unrealistic! - 144 applications
  27. Ljubljana : How I met my mother Earth? - 139 applications
  28. Izmir : The Algaes Always BEEPER: Learn the secret formula! - 130 applications
  29. Veszprem : Robots vs. Wrestlers - 125 applications
  30. Tallinn : Clean it, trash it, re-recycle it! - 122 applications
  31. Leuven : Experience Biomedical Engineering - 117 applications
  32. Bratislava : Build it smART - 116 applications
  33. Zagreb : Watt can you do for the future? beSUSTAINABLE! - 115 applications
  34. Riga : Is your life online? Then make it WORK! - 112 applications
  35. Istanbul : European BEST Engineering Competition 2011 Final Event - 111 applications
  36. Lodz : Hot, why not? Keep it positive! - 109 applications
  37. Gliwice : FIXIN' THE CITY - 102 applications
  38. Nis : Save for Tomorrow - Save Tomorrow! - 101 applications
  39. Wroclaw : "Everybody wants Kung-Fu fighting" - Biomechanics of sport - 98 applications
  40. Lviv : Two beers or not two beers Secrets of brewing - 95 applications
  41. AGH Kraków : Lights, Camera, Action! - Course on 3D animation! - 95 applications
  42. Brasov : Live long and prosper - self sustainble energy - 91 applications
  43. Zaporizhzhya : AC/DC: Track02_I've got the power! - 89 applications
  44. Riga : treesBEC - INTO THE WOODS - 89 applications
  45. Bucharest : Fame Is My Middle Name, Acting Is My Game - 84 applications
  46. Timisoara : Streaming Episode 24: Timisoara strikes back - 83 applications
  47. Lund : Eat me! - 83 applications
  48. Chisinau : Brand your product. Brand-yourself - 78 applications
  49. Cluj-Napoca : We control the system! - 77 applications
  50. Sofia : It's surfing, baby!!! Catch the sun! Dive the fun! - 76 applications
  51. Iasi : Green Future - 71 applications
  52. Stockholm : S(t)imulating life: from CPU to your stomach - 70 applications
  53. bonding Dresden : Life in plastic, it's fantastic - The world of synthetics & textile - 70 applications
  54. Liège : GeoLiegy will be Mine - 70 applications
  55. Saint Petersburg : Look at white night - this night is amazing! - 55 applications
  56. Gliwice : Born to be wild. There is no place you can't reach - 38 applications
  57. Ekaterinburg : B10 - YES, WE DO IT AGAIN! - 27 applications