From Byte to Right: Responsible Data Science

General description

Dear participants,

Let us welcome you to the land where all seasons can be observed in a day! From frozen to sunny, Brussels will still warmly welcome you to its lively streets. In between classes, no need to use ChatGPT to find the best spots to discover, because we inhabitants will guide you! And don't be scared about your data being stolen or misused because, with our class on Responsible Data Science, you will be the BestVPN of machine learning! So come and join us for a couple of drinks (the Belgian ones ;) )while we dive into the world of data, ethics, and AI! Can't wait to welcome you!

Yours truthfully,

Brussels ULB Spring Course 2024 Core Team

Academic information

Fields of activity:
Applied Sciences , Computer Engineering
Content and topics:
The course will cover the intersection between data science and ethics, a study of bias and fairness in machine learning algorithms, model interpretability, responsible data-handling practices, and applications in sectors like healthcare or finance, where data-driven decisions can have profound implications. The learning will be achieved through theory lectures and exercises, and the final evaluation will be a group project to see if the different participants have understood the main concept of the Course.
Learning goals and objectives:
In today's data-driven world, understanding the ethics and responsibilities in data science is not only crucial for ensuring equitable and transparent technology solutions but also opens doors to numerous career opportunities as applied data scientists. Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to understand and identify biases in machine learning models, differentiate between intrinsic and post-hoc model interpretability methods and apply knowledge of responsible data science practices in real-world scenarios.
Examination type:
Group project
ECTS credits issued:

Information for applicants

Selection criteria:
Motivational letter, academic background & answers to the three questions!

Practical arrangements

All of the following are covered by the event fee:

JES Sleep Inn Youth Hostel - During all the event
Warm meals at the university canteen for lunch and loving homemade food for dinners and the weekend. Coffee breaks will be provided between the lessons.
STIB public transportation in the city, provided by the organizers.